Updated Name! (Website, Facebook, Instagram)
Hello All!
I just wanted to let everyone know that we have updated our name from 'Big Sky Mohair Cinch Cord' to 'Big Sky Cinch Supply' since we sell more than just cinch cord at this point! I changed the website name and domain accordingly, if you type in bigskymohaircinchcord.com it should redirect you to the new website name (bigskycinchsupply.com) but I just wanted to let everyone know so there was no confusion :)
If you have any trouble accessing our website during this URL/Domain transition (it was initiated this morning), please let me know! Everything looks good and seems to be working on my end but sometimes there are still some weird glitches that still need to be brought to my attention.
Our new Facebook and Instagram pages are also under the name 'Big Sky Cinch Supply' in case you feel like following along on social media as well although the email list will still be my primary mode of communication!
Thank you to everyone who placed an order during the shop update last night, there are still a handful of treasures available on the website if you feel like doing some shopping this morning :)
Thank you all for being here and following along, we sure appreciate you!
Tracy (and Dana)